Making Mama Magic  

Making Mama Magic

Author: Ava Gao

Making Mama Magic is a podcast for mothers, with honest & authentic conversations on all things relating to modern motherhood, wholehearted living and peaceful parenting. Join Ava, a empowerment coach for mothers, and her guests as they chat about redefining motherhood and parenting in a way that focuses on purpose, peace & presence - all these while pursuing dreams in life, career & business in our unique magical way .* Be part of my newsletter community where I share exclusive resources, tips, behind-the-scenes & everything else that goes along with ditching the guilt, defining your own version of mothering, and parent from the heart: : I'll love to know your thoughts about the podcast. Connect with me on Instagram @thecuriousmomma or write to me at Till then, take care and remember - you are enough and keep on making magic in your own unique ways
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Kids & Family, Parenting, Self-Improvement

Contact email: Get it

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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