Ko Papa Ko Rangi: Ahi Kaa  

Ko Papa Ko Rangi: Ahi Kaa

What does it take to keep the home fires burning in Aotearoa, and why is the term land back synonymous with climate action? Find out with Nadine Hura and Ruia Aperahama, in a series brought to you by Te Kmata o Te Tonga.

Author: The Spinoff

What does it take to keep the home fires burning in Aotearoa, and why is the term land back synonymous internationally with climate action? Brought to you by Te Kmata o Te Tonga and The Spinoff, Nadine Hura and Ruia Aperahama talk to Ahi Kaa about how theyre preparing for climate change, and why Te Tiriti o Waitangi is the most powerful tool to advocate for protection for Papatnuku and Ranginui.
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Language: en

Genres: Natural Sciences, Nature, Science

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4. In My Dreams
Episode 4
Sunday, 23 June, 2024

In this final episode, Indigenous researchers from around Aotearoa gather around the home fires at Pikitū in Waikato to share their experience, knowledge, wisdom and strategies for action. With poetry and deep knowing as opposed to “hope”, we reveal how the dreams of ancestors will soon become reality, as the changing climate forces us to reclaim the past in order to thrive in the future.


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