Poverty Soldiers/ Dunyah Katz Incorporated  

Poverty Soldiers/ Dunyah Katz Incorporated

Author: Tony_T Butler

This this where the streets bind all ethnicities, culture, race, class and all walks of life under one umbrella to speak their mind on today society.
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Language: en

Genres: Drama, Fiction

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Travel monsters those out there who constantly on the move back and forth to work or the streets
Wednesday, 13 November, 2019

This is for the papa that's a rolling Stone the mama who can't stay in the house the brother who got to be in the streets and the sister who's always want to go where the action is, I see you I see you out there always steping and striving, wandering through society. Some of you have a purpose however most of you just can't stay still. I like you to share your story on the weird events you seen upon your travel.


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