Real Life Retirement Radio  

Real Life Retirement Radio

Author: Geoff Ivanac

A retirement podcast that isnt just about money but also about how you can use your money to get more out of life and live an Inspired Retirement. Retirement planning is often back to front with a focus on money first and foremost and your life second. This one-dimensional approach to retirement planning can lead to a disappointing retirement and poorly prepared for life transitions and events are ahead of you and lost opportunity to make the most of your next 20 to 30 years of life. This podcast not only explores important ways to start accumulating wealth so that you are financially prepared for retirement but also how to plan for your unique retirement that you look forward to and prepares you in advance mentally, emotionally, socially, and physically for the next phase of your life.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Investing

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Why your estate plan should be the foundation for your retirement plan
Episode 6
Thursday, 17 December, 2020

We believe that having an up-to-date estate plan is the foundation for your financial plan. Once you have established your estate planning objectives and implemented the strategies to achieve them, you can begin to prepare your financial plan and plan for an Inspired Retirement.   Connect with Tara:


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