

Author: Sagi Sris

A podcast where we keep up with the Capulet and Montague feud and get in on the latest gossip.
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Genres: Comedy, Comedy Interviews

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R&J - Paris offering a marriage proposal to Lord Capulet.
Episode 1
Thursday, 18 June, 2020

Host - Welcome back to R & J! I'm Sagi your host and today we’ll be talking to the one and only Paris. Paris - Hey everyone! I’m Paris and I’m really excited to be here today. Host - We have come to know that Paris has come to Lord Capulet with a marriage proposal for his daughter, Juliet. During your conversation with Lord Capulet about Juliet, you said that “Younger than she are happy mothers made.” (1.2.12)  What did you mean when you said this? Paris - What I mean by that is that Juliet and I will get married and after a bit, she will become a mother. There are lots of girls her age that are also mothers so she is not too young. I said that to convince Lord Capulet to let me marry her and make him think that it’s the right decision since I’ll treat her right. Host - Are you concerned that Lord Capulet might turn down your proposal? Paris - Yes, because I really like Juliet but I’m not sure if her father will agree to the proposal because he thinks that Juliet is too young to get married. Host - Could you give us a little insight into how you found Juliet and how you decided that she was the one for you. Paris - Juliet and I met at a party that Lord Capulet is giving. Juliet is perfect for me in every way and I really want to get married to her but I’m not sure if she feels the same way about me. But I think getting married would be a good decision since I’ll love her and take good care of her. Host - In case you didn’t know Paris is related to the Prince of Verona which would make this marriage really good for Lord Capulet's status. Is there a possibility that you could be marrying her just so it looks good for your reputation and not out of love? Paris - Oh my god! Why would you ask me that? I truly love her with all my heart. I would never use her so my reputation looks good. Of course, I actually love her. I never treated her unkindly and always showed my love for her. Host - Would you consider your love for Juliet genuine? Paris -  Yes, of course, I love Juliet with my whole heart. O love her because she nice to everyone and she is very beautiful. Host - There you have it folks, Paris! Thank you to all our listeners for tuning in this week to R & J. I hope you enjoyed and don’t forget to come back next week where we get to see what it was like for Juliet when she found out she was getting married. See you all next time. Paris - Thanks for having me here! Bye, everyone! Host - Thank you to Colgate for sponsoring this week's podcast. Colgate’s all-new Optic White formula make’s your teeth pearly white in less than 3 weeks. Colgate also helps Paris maintain his looks, after all, he is the flowers of Verona. Paris - Wow that seems like a really good product to use! I will definitely try it and you should too! 


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