Chats with Artists in Lockdown  

Chats with Artists in Lockdown

Author: Emma Cousin

Chats with Artists in Lockdown, is a Podcast of artists talking together. Discussing how the virus has impacted them and their work; what's been lost and what's been discovered. The conversation wanders between artists making and thinking and they share their strategies and experiences through this weird time.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Visual Arts

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Chat with Luke Routledge
Tuesday, 3 August, 2021

Luke Routledge is primarily a sculptor though his practise encompasses painting, drawing, illustration, writing and video making. In this episode, Luke and I talk about the 'in the middle' feeling that we are both in at the moment, in the early/mid stages of making new work. Luke describes his recent exhibition at Eastside projects, "strange matter" and we begin to get into his ideas around his constructed universe and what he calls his 'living collage territory'. We talk about conceptual machines, sculpture making itself, modular bodies and using words in a sculptural format. We talk about Luke's many and tailored materials, his particular colour palette and his relationship with pseudoscience. We touch on skateboard imagery and cartoons, poetry and stories, and we hear a little of Luke’s recent writing, from the horse’s mouth. We get into humour and the kinetic and end on new things that Luke is trying to make and how helpful it is trying to learn new things all the time.  Image: Strange Matter @ Eastside Projects, Birmingham 2020 Links:


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