Midnight Slumber  

Midnight Slumber

Author: Zack Miller

Midnight Slumber is a bi-weekly podcast about vivid dreams in short story forms. If you want to hear about adventure, love, horror, sci-fi, or the completely abstract, then there is a story for you. Sound effects and music take this series into a realm beyond the normal. Welcome to Midnight Slumber. Disclaimer: All characters featured in the "Midnight Slumber" podcast are entirely fictitious. Any resemblances to real persons, whether living or deceased, are purely coincidental. The narratives stem from the host's dreams and are not intended to represent or portray real individuals. Any implications or perceived representations are unintentional. The creators of "Midnight Slumber" expressly disclaim any liability for potential misinterpretations related to the character portrayals.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy Fiction, Fiction, Science Fiction

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Pineapple Pizza
Episode 98
Thursday, 6 June, 2024

Pineapple and Pizza are good on their own. Some, however, like them both together, but I bet they have never had them together like our adventurer is about to experience. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this short story. Thanks for listening! This story was written and narrated by Zack Miller.Follow us on X @The_MNS_Podcast, Instagram @midnight_slumber_podcast, our YouTube Channel - Midnight Slumber, and Facebook – Midnight Slumber.


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