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The Outliers InnAuthor: The Outliers Inn
The Outliers Inn is a place where people from all businesses and roles within business can examine goings-ons from different and hopefully humorous perspectives. Its a place where we can be a lot less serious about ourselves, what we do, what our businesses do, and the manner in which they do it. Language: en-us Genres: Business, Management, Marketing Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Episode-84; Predictions, Take-2
Monday, 29 January, 2024
Video Version About the Podcast Welp, to start-off the year, JP pulled a major boner. We got together for this session on January 8th and it was a pretty good session; that is, until JP realized he forgot to hit the "record" button at the end of the session when he went to turn the recording off… DOH! So, you will understand the much deserved razzing at the beginning of the session as everyone takes turns bustin' on JP. Mule starts us off with a prediction that the robotics team that he coaches will crush all the other teams on their way to victory in the Chesapeake District. But his other prediction (albeit, a prediction that affects very few people) is the number of companies that are going to be scratching their heads over the changes in how research and development investments and expenses are treated. Peter joins us and shares that he has had a poor go of it fishing for carp, they aren't biting. JP asks if he eats the carp, and Peter shares his recipe. You clean the carp and wrap it around an ash stick and bake it in the oven for an hour. Then you throw the fish away and eat the stick. A real trooper, Don joins us all the way from China where he is commissioning a machine for a customer and visiting other vendors while there. His big prediction is it will be the San Francisco 49ers and Baltimore Ravens in the Superbowl, and that it will end in a tie; a claim he refused to abandon even though the Superbowl could never end in a tie. So that means we have guests who are from scattered places across the globe. There is Stephane in France (where it was 1800h), Peter from the United Kingdom (where it was 1700h), Donna and JP in New York, Mule in Virginia (all from 1200h), and Don in China (where it was 0100h, the next day) on this session. Stephane predicts that every session at The Outliers Inn will start with everyone reminding JP to hit the "record" button. He also muses what will happen when AI meets quantum computing; and this sets the subject thread for the rest of the session; predictions regarding AI and sharing hopes and dreams as well as the good, the bad, and the ugly. JP shares that he predicts copywriters will be challenged to remain gainfully employed. He is already using ChatGPT to create or refine webpages and other marketing collateral. But is not satisfied the capabilities can replace a writer who has established a writing style (he calls it a writer's "voice"). And, of course, he is always wary of "deep fakes" in an age where people already don't trust what they are seeing in the news. The discussion gets as varied as it is deep; deep what, is the question. Give a listen. Oh, and assuming everything in play proceeds on its present trajectory and nothing new or major is introduced, JP boldly predicts Donald Trump will be re-elected President. Give a listen!