Naked with Adele  

Naked with Adele

Author: Adele Green, International Author

We all have a story that shape our lives. I dedicate my podcasts to the emerging feminine. I use my voice to inspire women that is changing the world and their relationships. We make the world better by showing up as ourselves. Feminine leadership include conscious relationships. This is for the conscious person who is prepared to live aligned with their soul so abundance can flow in love, money and life enjoyment. Adele is a South African in Hawaii. She is the author of Can you see me naked: Grow in a conscious relationship on amazon and other books.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Arts, Books, Education, Self-Improvement

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Empower Women Masterclass
Episode 70
Friday, 26 May, 2023

Empower Woman is what a I called a 20 minute audio for women to create a healthy boundary for a very taboo subject: what is OK and not OK during intimacy. Join me for a MASTERCLASS Why? After I published my book on relationships many men and women brought up issues in intimacy, what happened and how it made them feel. I was to be judge and jury on the subject. My real topic is about transparency, not sex. But after a while many women who came for coaching were feeling like they had lost their voices. They were not really sharing what they wanted anymore. So I decided to speak out about it and by default give others permission to do the same. At the time I was hosting a newspaper and radio feature to help support people in their relationships. It was important for me to create a product that would empower as many women as possible. In my practice I found that the ideas women have of the roles they play as women in their private space are often determined by men. More importantly I realised that women allow men to tell them how they should behave. And being women we want to please our men. So without saying anymore...Thank you for choosing to listen to this audio. What you will learn? How men who expect women to do what might be uncomfortable for them only focus on themselves How saying 'YES' to him prevents you from being free enough to express your own needs. Learn to ask for what you want. Why women don’t say 'NO' to men. Why even a 5-year-old girl needs to learn what a healthy relationships is. Saying 'YES', when we mean 'NO', will not give us the love we desire. Why women should teach their daughters about gender equality. Why saying “NO” to men means we give ourselves the love we deserve.


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