DTC RadioBrewed & Bottled in NYC Author: DTC Radio
Created as a way to bring theatre to your ears over the airwaves, DTC Radio is the latest branch of Distilled Theatre Company. Here you'll find brand new thrilling stories, chilling tales, and fantastic yarns written for the radio by award winning playwrights. For more information, you can "like" Distilled Theatre Company on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @DistilledTC. Language: en-us Genres: Arts, Performing Arts Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Hollywood, Florida by Tyler Grimes
Tuesday, 28 May, 2019
SERIES FINALE! Five years in the future...the entire West Coast of the United States has been decimated by nuclear war, and now that people have begun to rebuild, they demand to be entertained. So, when the movie industry sets up shop in Hollywood, Florida a desperate monster movie studio looking to capitalize on the modern nuclear hysteria hires a young screenwriter named Edna Wood to write a monster movie about mutated sea lions. Desperate for cash and oddly fascinated by the bizarre specificity of the request, the screenwriter accepts and begins to write the movie. But the deadlines keep getting shorter, the studio more restless, and there is something about the mutated sea lions that look a little too real to be special effects. Nobody will stoop lower to make a buck than the movie maestros in "Hollywood, Florida." Written by Tyler Grimes. Directed by Kurt Cruz. Starring Jared Corak, Brielle DeMirjian, Joe Morris, and Elizabeth-Ann Moss. Sound engineering, design, and editing by Liz Regan. Play development by Jonathan Smith. Artwork by Emanuela Brumana. dtc radio Theme Music by Spencer Robelen. All other sounds used with permission from Audioblocks. Hosted by Pip Gengenbach.