Magnificent MontagueExperience the wit and charm of "Magnificent Montague," a radio comedy series about a former Shakespearean actor reluctantly working in radio. His disdain for his new job and hilarious interactions with his quirky colleagues make for delightful... Author: Nat Hiken
Experience the wit and charm of "Magnificent Montague," a radio comedy series about a former Shakespearean actor reluctantly working in radio. His disdain for his new job and hilarious interactions with his quirky colleagues make for delightful entertainment. Perfect for fans of classic radio comedies, this show offers a unique blend of highbrow humor and slapstick fun. Language: en Genres: Comedy, Comedy Fiction, Fiction Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Magnificent Montague - $500 Prize
Thursday, 30 May, 2024
Experience the wit and charm of "Magnificent Montague," a radio comedy series about a former Shakespearean actor reluctantly working in radio. His disdain for his new job and hilarious interactions with his quirky colleagues make for delightful entertainment. Perfect for fans of classic radio comedies, this show offers a unique blend of highbrow humor and slapstick fun.