Toshi Unplugged Podcast  

Toshi Unplugged Podcast

Author: Toshi Unplugged Films

In this podcast we will talk about Wedding filmmaking business and wedding video related queries, questions and answers. We will understand your problems and things you love and will help you build a niche brand in Wedding Video
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Visual Arts

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P2 - Smartphones are the future of Filmmaking and photography #mobilefilmmakimg in hindi
Episode 2
Tuesday, 20 April, 2021

The first episode merely touched upon the concept but in here we go in depth of the following topics. Why smartphones will be the future of filmmaking. How can you film with smartphone today. Why and where should you film with your smartphone or mobile. How will smartphones dominate the filmmaking community and why. How soon will this happen. Also we talk about the benefits of shooting or filming with your mobile handsets


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