

Author: 5-2 podcast

We're probably drunk, we're definitely Canadian and we're self-proclaimed expert of the service industry. Join us weekly for our post shift briefing from everything that happens from 5-2!
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, Comedy Interviews

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Spooky Special: Haunted Bar in Port Hope
Friday, 30 October, 2020

Happy Halloween Everyone! It’s the spookiest time of the year and what better way to celebrate the season by interviewing two bartenders from Port Hope’s haunted bar The Thirsty Goose. Hear us tell ghost stories, talk charities, and the struggle of working at a bar during a global pandemic. Thanks to the Thirsty Goose for welcoming 5-2 to your beautiful bar. If you’re in the area come on down and enjoy the company of amazing staff, great food and reeeeaally tasty bevvys. Tuesday night trivia is the best btw; Every Tuesday at 8 pm!


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