Oxford Sparks: bringing science to life  

Oxford Sparks: bringing science to life

Author: Oxford University

Check out our animations about the cutting-edge research taking place at the University of Oxford. From a quick look around the LHC and an underwater adventure to explore the insides of a volcano, to finding out what makes us tick and how we're developing new technology to build quantum computers using light.
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Genres: Education, Science

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Power People: what are we doing with all that energy?
Thursday, 5 May, 2016

Did you know that you are in charge of a power station? It's true. Every time you flick a light switch, a power station somewhere in the UK will respond and generate that little bit of extra power you need for your light. Did you know that you are in charge of a power station? It's true. Every time you flick a light switch, a power station somewhere in the UK will respond and generate that little bit of extra power you need for your light. How would you like to return the favour? Could you respond next time the power system struggles to keep the lights on? Could you delay the dish washer, or might you like do the hovering some other time? Help researchers at the University of Oxford to find out. This short animation looks at the science and economics of energy use; particularly whether our behaviour might be able to solve to peak demand problem/


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