peopletalk's Podcast  

peopletalk's Podcast

Author: Nigel Killick of peopletalk

Peopletalk is a non-profit group, comprising of British trained professional actors, writers, producers and documentary makers, who have combined their areas of expertise in order to provide a free internet audio books, anecdotal stories, social history and documentary web site.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Performing Arts

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it

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Due to Libsyn moving to new servers our website has changed.
Thursday, 30 March, 2017

Due to Libsyn moving to new servers our website has being automatically changed. Unfortunately it's going to take a few weeks before I can manage to redesign and sort out the problem is this is caused due to Libsyn moving. 95% of our traffic is it through the iTunes peopletalk Page, so if you are new to our web site and would like to automatically download our programs, please use our quick link our iTunes listings.


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