For You | Art, Design & things in between  

For You | Art, Design & things in between

Author: Rohit Goswami

Hi this is Rohit. This podcast is a journey together in search of the Joy of being an Artist. In our journey of becoming an Professional, sometimes we cease to see magic in us anymore. Surely we have become a professional creative, but somewhere down the line we just lost the joy that let us to start it in the first place. So if you are an Artist, no matter what your craft is, you a Designer, a Market, a Writer, an Illustrator or a Storyteller and if you like to join us in this journey of celebrating that little artist inside us, who sees magic in everything, then this is For You.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Design

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Ep 8: Art Vs Design
Friday, 6 November, 2020

At some point in our creative journey we all have come across this thought, "What is Art and what is Design, and how they are different?". In this episode of "For You" we gonna see how Art and Design are different from one another and also we gonna see how they are may be the Same.


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