Film Brits  

Film Brits

Two British YouTubers who love movies decided one

Author: Trilbee & Sam

Two British YouTubers who love movies decided one day to make a podcast. This is that podcast. "Film Brits", hosted by Trilbee and Sam, will deliver weekly content from the world of film while also entertaining viewers with news, reviews and user-submitted topics and questions! As Sam and Trilbee are based in the UK, they will be going by UK release dates and scheduling. And drinking copious amounts of Tea throughout. So put t'kettle on and let's watch some films!
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Language: en

Genres: TV & Film

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it

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Film Brits #33 - Trailer-Palooza 2018!
Monday, 11 June, 2018

This past week, about a dozen huge trailers dropped. In the latest episode of 'Film Brits' we take a look at some of the more major ones! Trailer Palooza 2018!: 0:51 - 'Bumblebee' 8:15 - 'Ralph Breaks The Internet: Wreck-It-Ralph 2' 12:50 - 'The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part' 16:53 - 'Mortal Engines' 20:56 - 'A Star Is Born' 23:25 - 'First Man' 26:11 - 'The Girl In The Spider's Web' 28:56 - 'Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse' 34:51 - 'How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World' 41:47 - 'Halloween' Questions: 47:40 - Good Aspects/Moments in Bad Movies 53:01 - Summary of the Peter Capaldi era of 'Doctor Who' Please support the 'Film Brits' Podcast on Twitter! Get the podcast early, request topics and become a sponsor! - Visit to get access to more reviews, reactions, previews and film analysis!


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