

Author: jack price

Whelps if there is a subject it will be hit on. all material is podcasters opinions all stories have been found randomly and for the most part are up to the listener to diligently research. Caution foul language , controversial everything , and rants abound. Also hemp and hydrogen are mentioned a lot. For. Entertainment only and self help. Be the love you wish to show the world.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy Fiction, Fiction

Contact email: Get it

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Cannetbenews jman talks equality?truths abound.
Episode 2
Wednesday, 20 July, 2022

Welcome fellow beings to another episode of cannetbenews on this episode ready to remember? Ready to talk about equality? Ready for some truth bombs abound. We'll grab your celebration materials, grab some munchies or whatever people like to do whilst listening in. And get ready for another episode of cannetbenews where we get information from wherever whenever it might be credible it might not be for the instance of fun let's enjoy it. Remember to share if you feel these truths. Sincerely jman


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