The Schmozzcast with Lee Tyers  

The Schmozzcast with Lee Tyers

Author: Lee Tyers

Remember the good old days? The days when pro-wrestling used to be awesome? Well we won't always talk about that. Sometimes we will, sometimes we won't. It's a schmozz. A schmozz of a podcast. A schmozzcast, if you will...
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Language: en

Genres: Sports, Wrestling

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Episode 1 - With NWA World Heavyweight Champion NICK ALDIS
Friday, 8 May, 2020

On the very first Schmozzcast we speak to the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, 'The National Treasure' NICK ALDIS. We discuss the reformation of the NWA, the '10 Pounds Of Gold' series, the meaning behind the championship, how he felt about his ALL IN match with Cody Rhodes, and how him and his family are coping in the social distancing world.Follow Nick @RealNickAldis on Twitter, @NickAldis on Instagam, and don't forget to subscribe to the NWA YouTube channel for the '10 pounds Of Gold' series and NWA Power. Their channel is over at with us on social media!Facebook: @SchmozzcastInstagram: @SchmozzcastPlease enjoy! Any feedback is welcome. And stay safe!


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