Hollowed to Hallowed Ground: The 1999 Pecos Repatriation  

Hollowed to Hallowed Ground: The 1999 Pecos Repatriation

Author: National Park Service

In 1999, almost 2,000 ancestors and nearly 1,000 objects were repatriated to the Pueblo of Jemez, largely from northeastern museums, resulting in one of the largest repatriations to occur under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. When the Pueblo of Jemez reclaimed their ancestors and objects, they reburied them near their original resting in place what is now Pecos National Historical Park. This is the story of those ancestors journey. It is a story of loss, cooperation, and hope.
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Episode 2: NAGPRA
Episode 2
Friday, 3 February, 2023

When the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act became law in 1990, it provided Native American communities with legal backing to reclaim their ancestors and certain objects from cultural institutions that receive federal funds. The Pueblo of Jemez immediately began the NAGPRA process to return their ancestors and objects home, but the process took several years of consultation with the museums and government entities involved. Over that time a mutual respect and understanding developed.


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