Our 20-Something Life  

Our 20-Something Life

Author: Hailey Bazan and Madeleine Hiller

Our 20-Something Life is a lifestyle podcast hosted by Hailey Bazan and Madeleine Hiller. This bi-weekly podcast will dive into all things adult life, fashion, beauty, and fun. These two 20-somethings keep the conversation honest and real about the transition into early adulthood. Not everything in life goes as planned, so STAY TUNED for new episodes every other Wednesday and follow Madeleine and Hailey on their journey.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Education, Fashion & Beauty, Self-Improvement

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73 questions with hailey
Episode 9
Wednesday, 1 March, 2023

On this special episode, Maddie has prepared 73 questions that Hailey must answer off the top of her head in celebration of her 23rd birthday. Inspired by the classic 73 questions with Vogue series, Hailey must run through a long list of questions covering everything from fashion, goals, life, friendships, and much more! Stay tuned for an episode all about Hailey, to get to know her a little better and celebrate her birthday!


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