Waiting for the Whale: Christian faith in the real world  

Waiting for the Whale: Christian faith in the real world

Ryan Pierson and Shawn Saavedra contemplate life as Christians in America through the lense of popular culture.

Author: Ryan Pierson and Shawn Saavedra

We all want to be better people - and Christians want to be better servants of God. But often we find ourselves waiting to be forced into good service, rather than making the tough choices in our everyday lives. Thus, our protestations to the contrary, we are often "Waiting for the Whale" to come along, swallow us up, and force us to be good, bold Christians, like the reluctant Jonah. But what should we be doing? How ought we to live if we listened to God and acted without having to experience guidance from on high of Biblical proportions? We will try to apply those questions to the modern day, real-lives of decent, well-intentioned Christians. [direct download links available in each episode's post at]
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Language: en

Genres: Christianity, Religion & Spirituality, TV & Film

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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