A Techno-Legal UpdateAuthor: Ravi Nayyar
Vignettes from the intersection of law and technology, and a word or two about sport. Language: en Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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February 2021 - Special Anniversary Edition
Episode 2
Thursday, 18 February, 2021
Welcome to the 1st anniversary edition of A Techno-Legal Update, a podcast bringing to you vignettes from the intersection of law and technology, and a word or two about sport. This podcast (@TechLegalUpdate) is an independent production by me, Ravi Nayyar (@ravirockks). This special episode of the show is devoted to the intersection of cyber resilience and corporate governance. It does not feature me analysing news stories myself, but rather comprises an interview with two experts in said intersection and all round good souls, Dr Cary Di Lernia and Ms Irene Halforty. I cannot thank Cary and Irene enough for sitting down with me because their insights are just marvellous. Whether you are new to cyber resilience or corporate governance, or have a fairly decent grasp thereof, there is something for you in this wide-ranging discussion! Please subscribe, and give the show a rating or review, wherever you listen to it. Do recommend it to your networks because I want to grow the policy conversation from each episode and learn from our listeners! The show also also has a LinkedIn page and a Medium Blog, so do check them out and give them a follow! The Medium Blog, in addition to promoting the show, will provide analysis of issues from the intersection of law and technology that are not directly covered in episodes of the show. I have recently posted an analysis of an Australian unfair dismissal case with a cyber dimension, so please check it out! Disclaimer: All views expressed in this episode are of the speakers and do not reflect those of any organisation which they are, or have been, affiliated with in any fashion.