The Sci-Fi Crunchroast  

The Sci-Fi Crunchroast

Author: Vince Sieber

Reviews and discussions of all things sci-fi, action, thriller, etc.
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Language: en

Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction

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Episode 24 - A Quiet Place
Episode 24
Wednesday, 8 April, 2020

Well, Crunchroasters, this is it. The final episode of Season One. Thank you for sticking with us this season while we found our footing.  We wanted to give you a big ending with a double episode, since A Quiet Place Part 2 was supposed to be out by now, but Covid-19 had other plans.  We will be back to give you a one-off review of Part 2 when it comes out, but other than that we're looking at returning full time sometime around August-October.  Keep checking our social media for an exact date. Right now, enjoy A Quiet Place and we'll see you out there!


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