The REELTalkers' Podcast  

The REELTalkers' Podcast

Too many movies. Just enough time

Author: The REELTalkers

Listen weekly as Muaz, Justin, and Julia watch movies and discuss every aspect of them from how insane they are to who from the cast can "get it".
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Language: en-us

Genres: TV & Film

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The REELTalkers Ep 8 - Mad Max: Fury Road
Wednesday, 10 June, 2015

On this week's full episode, our hosts Muaz and Justin are joined but the wonderfully funny Cat, and discuss a contender for movie of the year, Mad Max Fury Road. Listen along as the trio talk about how much they loved the movie, the King of Gastown and his immaculate nipple rings, ask why Max let the War Boys tattoo him with that gross and probably infected needle, bask in the wonder that is the guitar guy with the truck made of speakers, the vaginal rope burn the Vulvalini on the tower should have gotten, Justin reveals that he doesn't have any nipples, Cat drops the best pun in REELTalkers history, and the host play everybody's favorite game: What Would 'Ye Say! Follow the podcast on Twitter @thereeltalkers, and our hosts @muazimus_prime, @gigawattconduit, and @loudmouthjulia. Feel free to email us questions, comments, or suggestions at!


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