Truth Bee Told | raw truths investigative journalism news  

Truth Bee Told | raw truths investigative journalism news

Author: Truth Bee Told

Truth Bee Told podcast [inspired by the Apple TV series Truth Be Told] is based on investigative research, writing, and blogging of events worthy of secondary or more profound review. The focus will be on outlaying discoveries and topics of various concern that deserve attention.Read all podcast episodes on my website to see sighted links, relevant images, and supporting video(s) of claims.Website:
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Genres: Business News, News, Tech News

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Laurel Hess Investigation. Hampr Laundry Review. Revelation of Hacking, Pirating, Plagiarism & Impersonating?
Episode 1
Saturday, 15 April, 2023

Recent discoveries about Laurel Hess and her rise to fame of being an innovative woman in tech have been challenged as evidence of illegal hacking activities, and plagiarism has emerged to show that not only did Laurel Hess not come up with this idea but conceivably pirated her entire company's ideas, business concept & module, marketing strategies and provisions from the patent filling records and by the hacking of the actual inventor, Ahavel Aborishade's online pitch deck for her peer-to-peer on-demand (national laundry service) laundryshare app NeatTuck. Literally, everything about Hampr was traced back to NeatTuck, seemingly revealing that the only idea Laurel Hess came up with was pirating Ahavel Aborishade's entire invention, her innovative ideas, and her company and merely slapping her name and face on it. Laurel Hess, aka Laurel J Davis, pioneer woman or hacker, pirater, and plagiarizer?Read this article on my website to see sighted links, relevant images, and supporting video(s) of claims.


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