Shutters and Shells  

Shutters and Shells

Author: Dominick Gatto

Here we talk wildlife photography, hunting, and how outdoorsmanship skills apply to both. Hosted by Dominick Gatto with guest appearances.
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Language: en

Genres: Sports, Wilderness

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Episode 18: The Final Episode with Whiskey and Whitetails
Episode 18
Friday, 26 November, 2021

Matt and Gus from Whiskey and Whitetails join me in the final episode of Shutters and Shells. We talk about time management, social media, and the future of Shutters and Shells. While it may be saddening to see the podcast take a breather, some big news is on the horizon for Shutters and Shells. Shutters and Shells will now be the official home of the Wildlands Photo Battle. Check it out on Instagram @ShuttersAndShells or at A huge thank you to Matt and Gus for joining me on this final episode - I couldn't have even gotten this podcast off the ground without them. Be sure to check out their Podcast, YouTube, Instagram, and other links at Be safe, drink your milk, wear your seatbelts, and most importantly - get outdoors! This is Dom Gatto signing off - I'll see you in the Wildlands! 


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