Welcome to the Poddy  

Welcome to the Poddy

Author: WelcomeToThePoddy

Comedian, Clay McMath, reviews movies - paired with snacks - and relates to them (no matter what the film) through real-life stories and experiences.
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Language: en

Genres: TV & Film

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Running Point [NETFLIX], NBA Drama, and Family Feuds – A Deep Dive
Friday, 14 March, 2025

This week on Welcome to the Poddy, we’re breaking down Running Point on Netflix – the high-stakes drama set in the world of professional basketball, led by Kate Hudson. But we’re not just stopping at the review – we’re diving into personal stories and comedy gold inspired by the show’s biggest themes:Life in LA – The glitz, the grime, and the unexpected weirdos you meet on the streetPro Basketball Madness – Behind-the-scenes of the NBA lifestyle, athlete egos, and why hoopers love drama more than reality TV starsSibling Rivalries – Growing up with a competitive sibling, and why family game night always ends in someone flipping the boardInheritance Battles – How money (or lack of it) can turn family into enemiesLong-Lost Siblings – Imagine finding out you have a secret brother… and he’s more successful than youGet ready for movie talk, NBA hot takes, and some personal stories that might just be too real.


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