Unity is Community  

Unity is Community

Author: Matt Sulli

Matt Sulli, President & Co-Founder of California Canopy, interviews entrepreneurs, philanthropist, educators, coaches and athletic directors who are making a positive impact in their community. Matt is a former college athlete and sportscaster that brings a biased point of view to each episode.
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Language: en

Genres: News, Sports News

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Episode. 17: The Search for the Bigfoot w/ Josh Watson (FULL EPISODE)
Episode 17
Sunday, 18 October, 2020

This Unity is Community Podcast is a real doozy! Please watch with an open mind. Josh Watson of the North Florida SkunkApe Project joins us to discuss the search for Bigfoot! What the heck is a SkunkApe? Josh explains what this "species" is and how it got its name. Is Bigfoot real? Is there actual proof? What is the real evidence? What's the difference between, Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch, or SkunkApe? Has existence the Bigfoot been disproved by science? Why should we believe, or not? Can we go hunt for Bigfoot? If so, how and where? Are there local groups that can take us on a Bigfoot expedition? Josh discusses how searching for this primate can be a family adventure. Are there Bigfoot hoaxes and why does Josh have a Bigfoot costume? YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS EPISODE!  Watch Full Episode on Youtube Here: #bigfoot #bigfootsighting #bigfootisreal #theyeti #skunkape #unityiscommunitypodcast @northfloridaskunkapesearch #mattsulli3


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