oh! for craft's sake  

oh! for craft's sake

Author: craftcouncilbc

Oh, For Crafts Sake! is a newly developed monthly podcast project hosted by the Craft Council of British Columbia, a charitable arts service organization located in Vancouver, Canada, as part of an institutional effort to have more conversations about contemporary craft as well as to highlight and promote work being done by craftspersons and organizations in BC.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Visual Arts

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1x4: book club with bettina matzkuhn
Episode 4
Tuesday, 14 September, 2021

Jasmine and Alex sit down with artist Bettina Matzkuhn to discuss the book Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry, which tells the story of Kira. Set in a dystopian future following the sudden death of her mother, Kira the weaver finds herself having to defend her life but is pardoned through her ability to weave and dye threads. Creativity, society, gender roles and kindess are some of the themes touched on during this episode.


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