Eternal Child  

Eternal Child

Author: Andy Smith

Join Andy Smith, a professional actor and author, for his comedic musings on life in his glorious 70's.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy Fiction, Fiction

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Opa Loves Appa
Episode 7
Tuesday, 13 April, 2021

There is no greater joy than becoming a grandparent . . . even to a hedgehog! In this episode, Andy's older son announces that he has adopted a male african pygmy hedgehog.  #appa.thehedgehog #hedgehog #hedgies #hedgie #hedgehogcommunity #nationalpetday #petsagram #petsofinstagram #petsofig #pethedgehog #hedgehogsofinstagram #hedgehogsofig #hedgehogsofinsta #hedgehogs


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