Among Other Things  

Among Other Things

Among Other Things hosted by Nia Christian

Author: Nia Christian

On this podcast we do things because we can and take in all of life's moments while appreciating the little things. Join me as we discuss topics including but not limited to investing, life goals, and practicing small acts of kindness.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Comedy, Investing

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The Cost of Buying a Home
Episode 11
Sunday, 20 September, 2020

Re-evaluating my old savings habit versus my current savings habit and analyzing which is more effective. If it’s happened to you, it’s certainly happened to me, how to bounce back from a wrench being thrown into your budget/savings plan. I give my biggest tip for how to keep track of your money and what inspires and motivates me to save more. I also recount the hardest point in my life where I had to part ways with money. Other areas and apps that keep me leveled, hint, it’s Co-star.


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