The Lens-Sensor Settings Podcast  

The Lens-Sensor Settings Podcast

Author: SilverLight Photo Co.

For years, I had searched for the perfect lens-sensor combination; a lens and camera duo that would produce a beautiful image with few adjustments and little post-processing. It would look REAL straight out of camera (SOOC) and be everything I needed and wanted in a camera system. However, as I tested each pair, they all told a different story, and would deliver light to the sensor differently. So, I began tweaking settings, jotting down notes (on index cards) for each lens-sensor combination I tried. I soon realized I needed a database to access all my then I created my website.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Visual Arts

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Are Viltrox Speed Boosters Good? (Not With IBIS)
Saturday, 17 June, 2023

A Viltrox speed booster killed another one of my cameras (my Panasonic G85) and now I’m out of “REAL” cameras (I only have my FZ1000 and 3 GoPros left). Previously, I published a YouTube video about how the “Canon-mount” version (the EF-M2ii) killed my Panasonic GX85 and how I switched to using the all-manual, Nikon-mount version (the NF-43x). Bad news is: this “Nikon version” has now killed my G85 (it scratched the sensor).


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