Sad and Boujee  

Sad and Boujee

Author: Ominous Ellipses

The original concept for Sad and Bougie was reviewing various anti-psychotics at Michelin star restaurants, but was soon scrapped when the estimated cost would surely be above a teachers salary. Sad and Bougie attempts to convey the duality of existence as a millennial Black woman in 2020. Raised by pop culture (and an amazing mother), host Ariel Brown explores topics from lace fronts to mental illness to being a Black educator navigating a white school system.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Mental Health

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Fun Four Loko Facts
Episode 6
Thursday, 17 September, 2020

Sad and Boujee took a week off because Ariel aged another year. But time is a social construct so the show goes on. Let's talk aging, drinking, and general dread on this week's episode. Send money WMWs. Venmo: @reparationsnowokay Cashapp: $ithinkyouowememoney Produced by Don Kim. Don is a teacher and owns a computer and audio editing software. He is the producer by default. Hosted by Ariel Brown. Teacher, bartender, and recovering scene kid, Ariel has limited electronic skills and a 2015 MacBook Air, thusly she is the host. -- The original concept for Sad and Bougie was “reviewing various anti-psychotics at Michelin star restaurants, but was soon scrapped when the estimated cost would surely be above a teacher’s salary. Sad and Bougie attempts to convey the duality of existence as a millennial Black woman in 2020. Raised by pop culture (and an amazing mother), Ariel explores topics from lace fronts to mental illness to being a Black educator navigating a white school system.


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