What Would Orson Drink?  

What Would Orson Drink?

Each week we finish a bottle of liquor we've neve

Author: What Would Orson Drink?

Each week we finish a bottle of liquor we've never tried, before the end of a movie we've never seen, then review both when it's over! Fun for the whole family!
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Language: en

Genres: TV & Film

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Ep11: Pumpkin Spice Baileys/Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation
Monday, 31 October, 2016

The kids wish you a Happy Halloween by watching the 1994 horror classic(ish) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation! Joel's not-so-hidden white girl provides another gross liquor, Kelsey is concerned that a minor character is being emotionally abused by her boyfriend, and Zak is irrationally upset about how many fog machines were used for this movie.


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