Dalai Momma  

Dalai Momma

Author: Alexis Scarbrough

Survivor of Cluster B parenting, narcissistic abuse, and domestic violence; I'm sharing my path of healing from below ground zero to healthy. Mother to 8 now parenting and unschooling solo, dangling on the US government's purse strings. Religious Cult survivor, now, I'm parenting with love and consequences, not punishment and reward. I believe mental illnesses are preventing evolution. I create this podcast with all my passion. To anyone suffering Religious Trauma, Mother &/or Father Wounds, C-PTSD, and those struggling to love themselves... I am listening. Support this podcast:
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Mental Health

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Musings of a Mother During a Pandemic
Saturday, 29 May, 2021

Just a short conversation between friends.  Topics vary from work, experiences, pandemic and religious anxiety and trauma, future plans, and the latest reading material I'm attached to.   It's nice to be back!    Support this podcast, become a Patreon supporter, follow me on Instagram and on Youtube and visit my blog and view my website Song BaliSlam written by Alexis Scarbro, all rights reserved, Copyright 29 May 2021. --- Support this podcast:


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