Creative Dialogues  

Creative Dialogues

A panel-discussion project with a focus on the arts and creative industries, from Wollongong City Council.

Author: Tom Hogan

A panel-discussion project with a focus on the arts and creative industries, from Wollongong City Council. This series focuses on the arts and creative industries and aims to help you upskill, form strategic partnerships and collaborate The Creative Dialogues series was originally designed as in-person panel events - but a pandemic shutdown led us to reinvent the series, with artist and producer Tom Hogan. Logo image designed by Angie Cass. Produced by Tom Hogan, Annie Clapton, and Jennine Primmer, as part of Cultural Development at Wollongong City Council
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Language: en-au

Genres: Arts, Design

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it

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So You Want Funding For Your Project?
Episode 10
Saturday, 5 March, 2022

Creative Wollongong’s Small Cultural Grant applications are now open. Creatives living in the Wollongong LGA may be eligible for support for their arts or cultural project.Artist Tom Hogan hosts a webinar for an information session that includes an overview on who can apply, as well as the types of projects that have the most success in securing grant funding. Guests include Sam Crosby (Wollongong City Council’s Cultural Development Coordinator),  and Brianna Munting from Create NSW - they will present on current and upcoming opportunities and eligibility for state funding, and answer submitted questions.Grant information at Wollongong City Council: Grant information at Create NSW: For further questions, contact


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