AADA - Raw, direct and live chats about design and creativity  

AADA - Raw, direct and live chats about design and creativity

A musical journey through design and creativity

Author: Craig Burgess

Currently on Season 3. Season 3 - Episode 157 - Present Season 3 is all about Craig talking into a mic about topics loosely connected to design. They're raw, direct, and live episodes where Craig just says what's on his mind, with no editing and nothing cut out. This is all about design and creativity, straight from the mouth of the creative director of a design agency. Season 2 - Episode 80 - 156 AADA is a musical journey through design and creativity. It's a trippy, midnight-style podcast where Craig talks about design, creativity, and all the bits in between, hidden underneath, and around design. Think Blue Jam crossed with Radio Lab, or 99% Invisible crossed with Terence McKenna. It's what would happen if Morcheeba did a TED talk. It's released daily, at 00:15. Season 1 - Episode 1-79 Ask a Designer Anything was useful tips and hints about design, marketing and business, everyday.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Design, Visual Arts

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it

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241 - The Last Ever Episode
Thursday, 14 September, 2017

This is the last ever episode of AADA. Today I explain what's next, and how to find it. Subscribe: ITUNES | ANDROID | STITCHER | RSS FEED Scribbled Shownotes Why this is the last ever episode What’s next Upper Limit Beliefs (The Big Leap book) I’m not just a designer The reason for a new name and new domain Different audience Different people will listen to it I want to talk about more stuff, but not delete this podcast Introducing GET DOING THINGS Mindset Marketing Design How all 3 connect together, and how 1 doesn’t work without the others I still haven’t recorded the first episode… Or made the website… Tomorrow is episode 1 of GET DOING THINGS You’ll have to resubscribe to a new podcast It’s called Get Doing Things New domain: Support Ask a Designer Anything Ask a Designer Anything Website Twitter (@craigburgess) Ask a Designer Anything on Facebook Leave me a review on iTunes


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