Comedy ObsessedAuthor: AnotherLazyMillennial
Hi. My names Mike Franke. Im a stand-up comic. I think stand-up is an art form. I respect and appreciate it as an art form. This is a podcast called Comedy Obsessed, where I discuss the art of stand-up comedy. I hope comedy fans/nerds and other stand-up comics enjoy it and/or learn some exciting shizz from it. Im also into psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, and literature, specifically how all of those things relate to the art of stand-up comedy. Im not focused on being funny on this podcast. I worry about doing that on stage. Here, Im more interested in questions about creativity and artistic expression. Also, Im a dentist, and I enjoy taking photos of other stand-up comics. You can learn more about that stuff on my website: Maybe I can help you take care of your teeth too. Wouldnt that be weird and fun? Thanks for listening! Language: en-us Genres: Arts, Comedy, Performing Arts, Stand-Up Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000