Evil Thespian  

Evil Thespian

Author: Evil Thespian

Equipped with what we have inherited, we try to make a life, make a living and make art. We are assemblers. We forge received parts into meaningful compositions. This state of affairs is our plight and our destiny - Anne Bogart EVIL THESPIAN is a theatrical art project
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Language: en

Genres: Drama, Fiction

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Stephee Bonifacio
Sunday, 24 November, 2024

Stephee Bonifacio (pronounced stevie) is an actor who recently found her artistic community within the past two years, which has helped her connect with other artists across different disciplines, describing how seeing others' creative projects motivates her to pursue her own "next big thing." In this episode, Stephee and I discuss learning styles in acting, and ways to observe the self in the effort to drive growth as an actor. Topics also include: being shy at first, experiencing your first big break, acting in new environments, and so much more! Follow Stephee Here! IG: @stepheebonifacio Also Here is her iconic website


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