The R and B Bistro UP Close and Personal  

The R and B Bistro UP Close and Personal

Author: Venus Crute'

"Edutainment" through conversations with Arts and Entertainment and other Business professionals that provide, Inspiration, Informative, Motivation and more. Real business at It's Best! Talk to us at
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Performing Arts

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The R & B Bistro Up Close and Personal-Live at The Hub City Jazz Fest. Jazz Festival
Thursday, 10 October, 2024

This episode Venus Celebrates the 8th anniversary of The Bistro by broadcasting live at "The 20th anniversary celebration of "The Hub City Jazz Festival". In this first episode of the two-part series, she chats with the legendary group, Pieces of a Dream, Saxophonist, Saxl Rose who is a dynamic rising star and the phenomenal host of the jazz fest, Singer, musician, radio personality, Kelley Andre. And the Jazz festival, Executive director, Monica Weeks stops by for a history moment. As always, the show is filled with inspiration, information and motivation. The Edutainment it is known for! #realbusiness #musicalfun


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