Now Playing Presents: The Gremlins Retrospective Series  

Now Playing Presents: The Gremlins Retrospective Series

Check it out one time, won't you?

Author: Venganza Media, Inc.

Steven Spielberg, Jerry Goldsmith, Joe Dante, Chris Columbus. All are respected in their own right for their contributions to film, but when they came together the result was Gremlins--the 1984 horror-comedy classic. Join Arnie, Stuart, and Jakob as they watch and review both Gremlins films at!
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The Incredibles -- A Now Playing Bonus Review
Thursday, 26 February, 2015

Pixar films including Toy Story, Monsters Inc., and Finding Nemo, had been smash hits. But could this success that worked on toys, fish, bugs, and beasts, work for a movie starring a roster of human characters? That was the risk they took with The Incredibles -- Pixar's first superhero film. The gamble worked and Pixar had another hit, but how does this film hold up more than 10 years later? Join Stuart, Arnie, and Jakob to find out!


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