K.L.8 car crash  

K.L.8 car crash

Author: K.L.8 Exhibition Space

K.L.8 car crash is the podcast of the Brussels-based, artist-run exhibition space K.L.8, founded by Sandra Meilunaite and Dilum Coppens. Every episode, they interview an artist either showing in one of the shows at K.L.8, or an artist that peaks their interest in general. Focussing on artists that are just starting out, hey hope to show Brussels the fresh young faces of promising creators, and broaden both the artists as their own network.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Visual Arts

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EP8 - Justine Cappelle - about the invisible, make-up, documentary and going beyond
Episode 8
Thursday, 18 March, 2021

The week, we had another car crash and lost part of the footage we had with this weeks artist, Justine Cappelle. We fixed it like everything else, and just re-recorded the first part. With Justine, we talk about her upcoming movies which lean towards documentary but take an experimental step to achieve her goal of making invisible phenomena visible. While not outspokenly political or activistic, there are social topics that always peak up. Justine doesn't want to leave you with an opinion, but make you form your own through the process of discovering the world in a new way, to use eyes that see what wasn't there before. Justine will be part of our upcoming exhibition "BruocsellA". Go check out her work on    The episode is also available on YouTube. ------ Sandra Meilunaite and Dilum Coppens are two Brussels-based artists, working together in their chilly studio. After opening up their studio and adjoining space for an exhibition under the name "BETWEEN (STAGE)", they decided to keep the ball rolling, renovate the room and use it as an artist-run exhibition space for young and emerging artist under the name "K.L.8". By hosting regular exhibitions for artists trying to do what they love, they hope to show Brussels the fresh young faces of promising creators, and broaden both the artists’ as their own network.


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