The Logged UniverseUntitled Frontier Author: Untitled Frontier
In 2021, humanity unearthed a strange artefact. Dated to a few millions years ago, it revealed countless logs of a future humanity that was recorded into software that resembled a modern day blockchain. Uncertain of whether the artefact was prophecy, technologists and writers have been decoding the stories hidden within. These are the stories and artefacts of the Logged Universe. Language: en Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Episode 5
Sunday, 21 May, 2023
A simulated soul, finding themselves back in the real world, in Anchor City, remains confused about their place in all things. Blurring realities again, they undergo a new journey.Production: Untitled Frontier ( Andy TudhopeNarrated By: Sam Yeow (Intro by Alexa Elmy)Cover Image: Zsuzsanna TasiCollect this story's NFT memorabilia & subscribe to future releases at!