Purposeful Online Marketing  

Purposeful Online Marketing

Author: Amanda Rosen

A podcast for small business owners and solopreneurs who want to learn the essentials of online marketing so they can promote their business effectively and authentically without wasting time, money or energy.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship, Marketing

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Ep 22: A new way to think about buyer personas
Episode 22
Monday, 29 April, 2024

Unpopular marketing opinion? Too much time is spent worrying about the details of a buyer persona or ideal client avatar when there are really just 3 things to work out.   The idea of having a buyer persona - aka, a description of the person / market / audience you're trying to reach with your content - is 100% good. Don't get me wrong. But the approach where you get so detailed as to figure out what keeps them up at night or what they ate as a snack yesterday is a bit much. Unless, of course, you sell mattresses or snacks!   These 3 key parts of a buyer persona are the focus of this week's episode, with a little twist added. Because, in my opinion, the number 1 thing most often missing from these conversations about buyer personas and ideal client avatars is how that information translates to helping you create actual copy or content.   In other words, how do you go from "okay, I know who I want as my ideal client / customer" to "and I know exactly what content or copy to create to find them, help them understand what I do and why they should care and then ultimately convert them into a client or customer."   THAT is *really* what this episode is all about.   It's a long one, but worth it!   During the episode, I show you how to connect these two things - the buyer persona and the copy/content you create to market your business - with a few exercises. But if you want to shortcut the process, you may want to grab my Marketing Strategy Generator. Check it out here -


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