Well woman  

Well woman

Author: Treen

This podcast is for the woman that does it all yet is failing to take care of her own needs. The wife, mother, sister, daughter, business woman, friend, etc, that feels as if she has to be super woman yet is breaking down from within. Mental health is just as vital as physical health yet we as a society often diminish its significance in our lives. My purpose is to provide a better understanding of what it means to seek mental health services from a strengths based perspective. I hope to provide a safe non-judgment free zone, where women can find support and the freedom to be authentic.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Mental Health

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What therapy is not!
Tuesday, 18 December, 2018

Often times their is a lot of stigma attached to therapy causing many people to refrain from going. But therapy is so much more than what we actually expect. It has the potential to not only improve our lives but our entire sense of self.


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