Post New York Alliance PodcastNew York Post Production news and events Author: Post New York Alliance
The Post New York Alliance supports and promotes the Post Production community in New York. This podcast is the collection of talks, seminars and events from the PNYA calendar. @PostNY Language: en-us Genres: Technology, TV & Film Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Wednesday, 16 March, 2022
POST BREAK 2: PIVOTING IN POST (audio) The 2nd installment in our PNYA POST BREAK series - this week “Pivoting in Post” – about career moves made sideways, up, down and all around. Why did our panelists decide to change paths and how they did they make the jump from facility to scripted, reality to scripted TV? And how did they make the move from production camera loader to feature AE? How did starting in features, stepping into reality and back to scripted again, make them a better Editor? POST BREAK: Pivoting in Post Thursday, April 30th at 4pm on Zoom PANELISTS: Inga Moren - Assistant Editor: The Photograph, 15: A Quinceañera Story, Sleepless in America Veronica Vozzolo - Assistant Editor: Billions S5, Da 5 Bloods, She's Gotta Have it S2 Christina Delerma - Post Supervisor: various projects Jigsaw Productions, Lenox Hill Docuseries, Mayday (Indie) Jamie Kirkpatrick - Editor: Gravesend, Critical Thinking, We Summon the Darkness Moderator - Kendall McCarthy: Post Producer: Tales of the City, The Americans, The Looming Tower