Jacobs Social Science Experiment  

Jacobs Social Science Experiment

Author: Jacob Doesnt Know What Hes Doing

Just a lame show, with a lame host, meeting some pretty interesting people. Its not that serious. It shouldnt be intended as so. *descriptions have been exaggerated for the hype* ayyyyy
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, Comedy Interviews

Contact email: Get it

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ARTcast!! FT Gokuthepinkking Eddie Rodriguez and Atukuta !
Episode 8
Saturday, 25 July, 2020

Unbelievably talented individuals with incredible dedication and out of this world artistic views! We got @gokuthepinkking @atukuta PLEASE check these guys out! AND BIG congrats to Eddie for placing 1st in a California wide art competition. CHECK THESE GUYS OUT! PLEASE! Lol You’ve got to see the beauty their art brings to the world and to the eyes of the individual. I particularly loved this episode and might definitely be my favorite one so far! Absolutely blessed to have been able to meet these guys and can’t wait for the next one! Show them some love humans ❤️


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