grow with the flow  

grow with the flow

Author: Lisette de Jonge-Hoekstra

grow with the flow is a podcast about how people change over time, how they adjust the things they do to their environment -including other people- and how we can think about this and research this. Topics that I discuss with inspiring researchers are related to developmental psychology, ecological psychology, and complex dynamic systems theory.
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Language: en

Genres: Science

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Alexandra Paxton - Social contact in a (data) rich world | episode 3
Tuesday, 5 November, 2019

Alex Paxton (Assistant Professor at CESPA, University of Connecticut) and I discussed how people interact socially, in many different forms and contexts. We also talked about the many different ways, that are out there, to measure, analyze, and grasp social contact. Special thanks to Riccardo Fusaroli for coming up with a question. Intro music: Vincent Augustus - Woah Transition music: Ketsa - Mission ready End music: Ketsa - Late nights Short transition sound: dxe10 -  Emaj7 Guitar Chord


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