MENASP Podcast Series  

MENASP Podcast Series

Author: MENASP Network

This podcast series is presented by the Middle East and North Africa Social Policy (MENASP) Network. The MENASP Network brings together policymakers and academics to advance social policy in the MENA region. It was founded to advance, exchange and disseminate knowledge and policy expertise about social policy in the MENA region. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the MENASP podcasts are those of the invited speakers. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Middle East and North Africa Social Policy (MENASP) Network or the University of Bath.
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ECRs in conversation with Dr Maryam Ebrahimi and Dr Hania Sholkamy: Gender-sensitive Social Protection, A Possible Reality in the MENA?
Episode 9
Saturday, 3 September, 2022

In this podcast, Tamara A. Kool, our ECR Representative, speaks to Dr Maryam Ebrahimi (Iran) and Dr Hania Sholkamy (Egypt) to discuss what aspects should inform future directions in terms of gender-sensitive social protection in the MENA.  The MENA region is characterised by low female labour force participation rates. While generally agreed that social protection is key to promoting women’s economic empowerment in the region, gender-sensitive social protection is a multifaceted concept. The way a programme is politically supported, designed, and programmatically implemented all influence the outcomes. We, therefore, need to understand to what extent social protection schemes are cognisant of the lived experiences of individuals. This requires a critical look at both social assistance and social insurance schemes to understand to what extent existing schemes are able to cover risks across the life cycle accounting for the different roles that men and women take up in society. __________________________________ Dr Hania Sholkamy is an Egyptian anthropologist (PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, The University of London). Her work has focused on gender, health and social protection in Egypt. She designed and piloted the cash transfer programs of the government of Egypt in her capacity as special advisor to the minister of social solidarity. She is a proponent of feminist social protection and has lobbied for the right of women to receive welfare and pensions in their own right and not as dependents. She was regional coordinator of the “Pathways to Women’s Empowerment Research Consortium” in partnership with the Institute of Development Studies at Sussex, UK. She is currently a member of the UNESCO Management of Social Transformations Committee (2019-2022.)   Dr Maryam Ebrahimi holds a PhD in Social Welfare from Allameh Tabataba’i University in Tehran, Iran. Her PhD thesis focused on ‘Gender Analysis of Social Policy in Iran and analysis of gender orientations in employment, education and social security legislation in Iran. In addition, she has undertaken a number of research and has presented several papers on women, family and gender issues. Her main areas of interest include social protection, gender, social exclusion, labour policies and informal workers. __________________________________ This episode is part of the podcast series organised in the framework of MENASP’s Early Career Researchers initiative. The ECR MENASP podcast series aims to discuss relevant social policies related to topics that are current and relevant to the region. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the MENASP podcasts are those of the invited speakers. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Middle East and North Africa Social Policy (MENASP) Network or the University of Bath.


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